The Good
- JPEG-LS delivers one of the highest lossless compression ratios. It often beats JPEG2000 by a small margin
- JPEG-LS supports a variety of pixel formats - 8 bit gray, 16 bit gray, 8 bit color
- JPEG-LS supports lossy and lossless encodings.
- JPEG-LS has a well supported open source C++ implementation named CharLS. I have done an EMSCRIPTEN build of CharLS to javascript for use with cornerstone.
- Most applications supporting JPEG-LS are presumed to be using CharLS. Since most people use the same library, there should be few interoperability issues
- JPEG-LS is extremely fast at encoding and decoding
- JPEG-LS is simpler than other compression algorithms (e.g. JPEG2000) and is therefore easier to implement
The Bad:
- Most applications supporting JPEG-LS are presumed to be using CharLS. Bugs in the implementation may exist and be unknown since most applications use the same library
- JPEG-LS has limited support for controlling image quality in lossy encoding mode
- JPEG-LS has no support for progressive downloading
- JPEG-LS depends on IP held by HP. HP allows use of its IP for implementations that meet certain requirements
The Ugly:
- JPEG-LS is not widely adopted in the industry.
NOTE: Corrections and clarifications are always appreciated, I will update this article as I receive them. Thank you
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